Sunday, November 6, 2011

introduction paragraph

Slums have a negative effect on human population because the water is contaminated. There is a sewage that invades most of the places and when it gets big it floods the houses, causing the water to go in. "And you can smell. And few steps into Kibera, we encounter brown-green water flowing through an open ditch,"said Fink. Ongera added,"That's the sewage. Now it's passing throug the slum.""And their facades are marked by a water line. The polluted stream sometimes overflows them. While sewage from outside Kiberia flows into the slum, the sewage from inside never leaves,"concluded Fink. What they mean is that the sewage goes into the slums and floods their houses. And that the sewage from inside the slums never leave. The sewage that goes in the slums contaminate and flood their houses and leaves a mark outside the house. Slums have a negative effect on human population because there is little sanitation.

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