Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I.         Introduction
A.     some people all over the world live very poorly and do not have a place to live....
B.     a slum is a row of houses that are poorly constructed....
C.     slums have a negative effect on human population....
D.    slums have a negative effect on human population because....
II.         Defendable Point #1
A.     slums have a negative effect on human population because....
B.      there is a sewage that invades most of the places and when it....
                                      i.     "and you can smell. and few....
                                     ii.     what they mean is that the sewage goes into the slums and....
C.     the sewage that goes in the slums contaminate and floods their houses....
D.    slums have a negative effect on human population....
III.         Defendable Point #2
A.    slums have a negative effect on human population.... 
B.    they do not have sanitation systems like a restroom.... 
                                      i.  "what she wants me to see is the key....   
                                     ii.  what he is trying to say is that the sanitation is bad....     
C.  the effect of no toilets causes them to go to the restroom outside and....     
D.  slums have a negative effect on human population because they....    
IV.         Defendable Point #3
A.     slums have a negative effect on human population because....
B.     because the water is contaminated people get diseases from there....
                                  i.     "human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food....
                                     ii.     he is trying to say that the water they drink...
C.   the water that they drink has diseases causing people and....
D.    concluding this slums have a negative effect on humans....
V.         Conclusion
A.    some people all over the world live very poorly and do not have food....
B.     slums have a negative effect on human population because they have....
C.     there is very little sanitation, the water is contaminated....
D.    how do other people feel about those people that have to live....